Daniel @靜宓花園的涼亭



晚上靜恩主話 路1:39-56

1) 馬利亞好可能因為很驚慌(未出嫁而懷孕),又或許想證實一下天使所說有關伊利沙伯懷孕六個月的話,所以就起身,急忙前往山區找伊利沙伯。

2) 伊利沙伯接納和相信馬利亞,也成為她的支持,可能因此住了三個月。

3) 馬利亞的尊主頌,提到神特別賜福那些謙卑人。

4) 這事是因為神記念向亞伯拉罕所立的約。

5 二人都稱讚主為大

6 馬利亞只是個平凡人,至高神卻思待她到這個地步,這是因為祂的憐憫。

7-8 看到神是從亙古到永遠的管理者,是守約施慈愛的神


A Closed World--from Gundam 00 the movie

A good song in the sorrowful days...
You may wish to listen to it on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4kXMvhgF3w&feature=related
The lyrics are adopted from there.

Once again, have as much courage as you believe
Once again, have as much intelligence as you doubt
We'll keep watching the world until the end
We'll keep watching the world until the end

On the night when hymns resound, the animals in gas chambers
Continue to believe in humans until they breathe their last
Open up destiny
You'll spread your wounded wings and take off
Because the truth doesn't exist here
For whom does the bell toll?
In a closed world filled with despair
You'll keep flying toward the faint light

On the night when hymns resound, the animals in gas chambers
Continue to believe in humans until they breathe their last
Open up destiny
You'll spread your wounded wings and take off
Because the truth doesn't exist here

For whom does the bell toll?
In a closed world filled with despair
You'll keep flying toward the faint light
You smiled and closed your eyes
You'll start dashing into the flames
Without even saying goodbye
No matter how many times, no matter how many times
You'll spread your wounded hands and shout out, right?
Because the truth exists in your heart
The world map will burn up
In the new century that the fallen angel drew
The prayers of saints graze by and vanish

The die are cast by
fingertips soaked red
And they fall deep,
deep into space
To the yonder of darkness,
where they can't return again
The accelerating last scene
Can't be stopped by anyone
Open up destiny
You'll spread your wounded wings and take off
Because the truth doesn't exist here
For whom does the bell toll?
In a closed world filled with despair
You'll keep flying toward the faint light
"Surely it's because people are weak, they're beautiful"